We had yet another griefing attack toward the end of today's Euro game. The sim had crashed, and I had both teams regroup at JH. However, one team had lost two players in the attack.
Both captains agreed to reschedule and will finish the last part of this game on Wednesday, which is the next time their teams face each other. They will then play their scheduled game for that day immediately afterward. The game stopped with 2:52 remaining in the 3rd period, with the score tied 5-5.
On a side note, I'm noticing a disturbing trend with these griefing attacks. They seem to occur over the weekends, when attendance tends to be thin and we sometimes don't have anyone online to help us ban these losers from the sim. We may need to discuss the issue at the meeting tomorrow and figure out what we can do to cut down on the number of these incidents. This is the 5th or 6th one that I remember from this season alone, and the second time that we've had to reschedule a game because of it. |
After further deliberation between the two teams, they have agreed to move the remaining portion of their game to Friday. Start time is still to be determined. |