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Team History:

Original European Team

SL Community Affliliation:
Zindra Community

First Season Played:

Season 3

League Awards:

The Arena Cup (Euro Division Season Champs)
Seasons 3, 4, 7 and 14

TB Trophy
Seasons 11 and 12

Rossini Trophy Team MVP Ravens
S7 Kacey Rossini
S8 Chris Frontenac
S9 Kacey Rossini
S10 Kacey Rossini
S12 Kacey Rossini
S16 Kacey Rossini

Current Captain:

Jackson Tournier

Favorite Events/Memories:

Jack Belvedere:
"I am a part-time Euro player, but have really enjoyed the games I was able to attend. In Season 7, because things went so far with my NA team, the Cobras, but we stopped short of winning the Global Cup, this Arena win by my Euro team, the Ravens, was especially rewarding for me."

Tuvok Dingson: "
To me the Ravens were our arch enemy in S7. Old rivels Foxes and Ravens took a few seasons against eachother and that changed in S8 with the new Storm team.

Due to a strong draft the Storm immediately hit it off and won the big prices. To me the win against the Storm in S9 was one of the most rewarding games hehe O.o

No offence Allan :-P but it felt good scoring my first hattrick in the league against you probably the higlight of my career"
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