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Jack Belvedere
League Admin

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Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007

I can handle most of this site, but have one slight issue that I can't get figured out. Occasionally we have a new player come and sign up for the site and then, when trying to log in, it says the password is no good, or tells them their name is already chosen. (SL avatar name).

I've deleted the names and tried to let them start from scratch and it still tells them the name can't be used. Any suggestions?
Arev Basevi

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Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007

I had that issue as well. I believe it was because I was using my SL name as a "login" name, which appears to be pretty insignificant anyway. Using your full SL name as your login name will cause that error. All is important is that the First Name and Last Name boxes have your SL first and last name.
Collin Fimicoloud

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Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007

Last time I opened a forum for guild we use iconboard and usually there's a kind of manual / trouble-shooting and FAQ's. I guess that you'll find a hint about max. and min. amount of letters you can use and what kind of symbols you're allowed to use as password. Maybe it's just a problem with this?

If not, I'd suggest to act like Arev said.

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