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Han Okelli

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Posted: Thu Nov 5, 2009

Awww so sad, SadlyI'm sure he's amongst many who have suffered and passed away from the H1N1.
KingHenrik Lundquist

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Last Updated: Fri Nov 6, 2009

Actually, as far as I've read, the only danger is the respiratory effect. People with allergy problems, azthma, or a history of pneumonia have had the worst cases and are at highest risk of dying (like myself, I have two of those three). This kid only had a small cold once and it still affected him.
Jack Belvedere
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Posted: Sat Nov 7, 2009

The highest risk yes are those with other chronic diseases, the elderly, infants and, surprisingly teenagers.

My beef with the money-mongering drug companies is that there was months of workup to this. Dangerous flu season, dangerous H1N1, everyone get vaccinated, yet again there's not enough vaccinations to go around. They turn the vaccination process into something like trying to get a Cabbage Patch doll in the 80's, remember that? It feels like a game to me, all that foreknowledge yet vaccinations hard to get. Right.

In my area the regular flu vaccine was finally available this past week at my work, and we're supposed to get them first along with the elderly and infants due to being health care workers. Too late for me, since I missed work all week with the flu.
Ashlene McMinnar

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Posted: Sat Nov 7, 2009

I've already had it a few weeks back and I can tell you it's horrible. Wasn't deadly to me or anything but it's the worst kind of flu I've ever had and I really thought I was gonna go psycho at one point because of the non stop fever. Got a call to get 2 vaccination shots now this week and then early December.. kind of on the late side. =\
Larithen Karu

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Posted: Sun Nov 8, 2009

I'm with Abu, so many times around here there is always a "bug going round" not a single day goes by without one. The fact that the media is screaming there heads off about H1N1 just means people have a label to give it, they get paranoid because some poor kid died elsewhere with similar symptoms and make themselves even worse, making them believe even harder that it is in fact Swine Flu.

So yeah, I'm a tad skeptical over whether it is as abundant as they say. It just seems like a load of gullible people whining louder than usual over a common cold.
Ashlene McMinnar

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Posted: Sun Nov 8, 2009

Well I got sick and uhm, normally I ignore it until it goes away but lol! It didn't and progressed so when my fever peaked higher than I've ever had it before, I rang my doctor up. They did a house-call because I wasn't allowed to come to the clinic.. walked in with masks (like wtf?!), did their regular diagnosis tests and said plain and simply. "Yep, you've got the H1N1 virus." And that's what freaked me out. Not so much because it's H1N1 but because it was blown up so big in the media with all these terifying and deadly stories. Either ways.. the reason it was horrible for me personally is because I had an underlying throat infection that flared up big time combined with the virus and I just couldn't find peace. I couldn't rest, but staying up was too draining as well and sleeping never worked because of my fever and throat ache and the feeling that you can't breath because you're all stuffy. All in all though.. H1N1 is just another flu virus and the only real difference is the fact that it's far more contagious. Most death cases so far were all people who already were in the hospital for something else, had a weak kink in their immune system or were due to age/health in the risk group. I think without the 'hysteria' and the way it's blown up in the media.. it wouldn't be half as big of a deal and scary for people. And Abu, I'm in Europe too. It's real, but it's not as terifying as it's portraited. I'm not even going to bother getting the vaccination.
Vivienne Coppola

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Posted: Mon Nov 9, 2009

Abu, my friends cousin in NZ died I think they put it... With the H1N1 virus but not as a result of it!! Make of that what you will.
Han Okelli

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Last Updated: Mon Nov 9, 2009

Abu wrote:
You had it, Ashlene? lol, can you tell me more? I still believe, that H1N1 really dont exist... maybe is that because i live in Europe, and we have different eyes here, but i am very interrested about that... can you tell me the exact diagnosis of your treating doctor? Of course if you want... According to modern biology, the process of learning consists of many natural range of incentives and the creation of dendrite, branching throughout life (”Neural information storage“), i cannot believe that something what was here first time viewed max. in less than one year, can pandemia be in that time...
so, it must be artificial, or cannot exist... in fact, you Ashlene are first person who said indirectly to me "i had it" ...

The Swine Flu (H1N1) does exist and is not new. My mom told me this is not the first time has happened when she was younger not sure how old, maybe in the 70's? But, it became an epidemic and she recalls it being horrible then and people died from it. It may not have been all over the news like it is today but it exist like any other disease and there are more people on the earth now and it will spread through the news fast because we are humans and imperfect and yeah? we do get afraid. News is important, but, you do not have to watch it everyday, it just make people depressed. I personally, will not discuss with you who had it or if I get it because it's my business. So to answer your question this didn't just pop up this year. But, like Vivy said make of it what you will your allowed your opinion.
Lito Menoptra

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Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009

I wish I could say it does not exist but current 9 people in my city ALONE have died from H1N1 including 23 more cases. Some of the ones who died, were as healthy as horse and seems to be affecting children,teens, and young adults more.
KingHenrik Lundquist

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Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009

Hey Abu- I'm starting to agree with you on the immunization propeganda, however I do think it still works.

Regardless- I think that in a few hundred years, when we all have vaccines to everything and our immune systems are weak, a common cold will kill us all.
Ashlene McMinnar

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Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009

KH wrote:
Hey Abu- I'm starting to agree with you on the immunization propeganda, however I do think it still works.

Regardless- I think that in a few hundred years, when we all have vaccines to everything and our immune systems are weak, a common cold will kill us all. :P

LOL! How very uplifting But I do agree! Let's just get sick properly every now and again, it's more healthy.
Larithen Karu

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Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009

Agree whole-heartedly on that one! I know several of my friends who were brought up being wrapped in cotton wool, they get ill all the blooming time.. Then there's me who was brought up on a farm and was in the stables mucking out with my Mother from a young age. I can't remember the last time I was properly ill, even the common cold only lasts about a day before clearing up
Kalita Magic

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Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010

You know, this is gonna get me slapped by someone....

...but I was just given my H1N1 immunization.....
Anh Lycia

Posts: 243

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Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010

[---- public school teacher ... I got mine the first day it was available.

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