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Statistic Correction: 3/14/2010 12.30 SLT Cobras @ Polar Bears.
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Sirkiko Vidor

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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010

Actually it was Isaac's assist (not sure if Merrik passed, but refs gave to Isaac only). Katia was trying to give his assist but accidentally removed the goal. The assist was announced right after, but since the goal was already disallowed, it didn't register.
cili Firanelli

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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010

So was this goal showing on the HUD and the scoreboard at the time? As a Polar Bear player I saw goal disallowed but my HUD was only showing grey squares where the scores are for the first period. I ask because if we were playing under the impression that the goal had been disallowed it seems a bit odd to add it back on after the game is over.

Sirkiko Vidor

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Last Updated: Mon Mar 15, 2010

The scoreboard showed the correct score at the end of the game: 8-2. Like we said, Katia disallowed a goal by accident while trying to register an assist. She added the goal back right after and tried to give Isaac the assist, but the website didn't register it so on the website the score is 7-2 and Isaac missed his assist on Ashlene's goal.

I'm saying Katia's name but just assuming that main refs register assists. It could be Max or Jack, dont wanna be unfair lol
cili Firanelli

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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010

Thanks, just so long as we were all playing to the same score in the game.

Dyz Warburton
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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010

Generally, I look for an update from the game refs before making any changes on the stats. This is really just a safegaurd to ensure that the correct changes are made as they were intended during the game.

Katia, Jack, Max, can we get some clarification on this update? Thanks!
Jack Belvedere
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Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010

Abu wrote:
I think you are talking here about two different things.

1) 05:11 in 1st period
GOAL COBRAS - Ashlene McMINNAR (Assisted by: Merrik CAPRONI)

... this goal was disallowed by accident, then added, but without assist. Thats why stats showing 7-2 final result, not 8-2 (correct).

2) 06:01 in 2nd period
GOAL COBRAS - Isaac CALAMITY (Assisted by: Ellick YUMAKO)

... there missing assist for Ellick, it was nice pass from right corner and nice one timer from Isaac.

I can confirm the #1, Katia was trying to hit the assist button and hit (-) instead. The #2, I don't specifically recall that play now, but if the assist wasn't felt by the ref at time to be an assist, we can't go back and change that. The ref has to note it as assist at the time.
Dyz Warburton
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Posts: 526

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Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010

Thanks, Jack. The disallowed goal has been reset to allowed.

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